Graduate Mental Health

Research shows that 62% of Gen Z have taken a mental health sick day, but only 24% were honest with their employer. Mental health issues are prevalent in society, yet they are still not commonly discussed in the workplace, despite the fact that many people take mental health sick days. There has been a rise in mental health issues among students over the past decade and these issues do not end once the student enters the workplace.
Starting a first job can also create mental health and wellbeing issues among graduates, who face a range of stressors at this time. The good news is that there are actions that companies can take to improve their attractiveness to graduates through taking mental health and wellbeing seriously.

Addressing mental health and wellbeing at work

Some factors are more likely to promote better mental wellbeing and lower levels of stress among graduates, highlighted in the Student Minds Graduate Wellbeing Report. Here are the factors that are noted as being particularly influential:

  • Organisations who are proactive about promoting wellbeing fare better
  • Having someone that a graduate is confident contacting if their wellbeing is suffering
  • Having a manager interested in their personal development
  • Being able to take a lunch break or other breaks
  • Finding the work they are doing interesting
  • Being included in work-related social activities is also key
  • Financial pressures are an important stressor impacting on mental health and wellbeing – support with relocation was noted as helpful

Companies are at least to some extent taking mental health matters seriously. The Institute of Student Employers (ISE) found in their Student Development Survey 2020, that the vast majority of firms (97%) provide mental health support and three quarters (78%) have a mental wellbeing policy. 43% of companies also state that they address mental wellbeing in recruitment.

Ideally, all graduates would have the confidence to discuss mental health issues or stress to their manager, but the Student Minds report reveals that only just over half (51%) say that this is the case. That figure falls to 47% among those who have experience of mental health difficulties.


Mental Health Learning is a North West England based organisation, founded with communities and businesses in mind. We bring expert knowledge and build life-saving skills around serious topics at the heart of our communities because that’s where it really matters.

We give course participants the confidence, knowledge, tools and practical skills to

  • listen effectively
  • know what to say
  • know what support to offer and how

This will help you support people experiencing difficulty with

  • mental health
  • self-harm
  • thoughts of suicide
  • issues in the workplace

Our courses run from 60 minutes to 2 days and we can deliver them to your organisation in a venue of your choice. Many of our courses can also be delivered online.

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